We produce an extremely high quality tri-layer, heavyweight, co-extruded blown green or white film for bale silage application.
Our Agro-Stretch film is designed for packing and storage of hay. Within the bale, packed with our agro-stretch film, an anaerobic process of fermenting (fermenting) the feed for livestock takes place, which reduces the loss of feed nutrition, and also prevents the development of undesirable microorganisms and mold. Only top-quality films guarantee high-quality forage. Our film reliably protects silage against oxygen, bright sunlight, and mechanical loads. All layers contain additives for UV protection. Only first-rate materials are used in our manufacturing process.
- Agro-stretch film provides proper moisture inside the bale and helps to reduce the inevitable loss of feed nutrition.
- Preservation of feed nutrition for a whole year
- Anaerobic fermentation (fermentation) of food takes place inside the bale packed with "agro-stretch" film, which reduces the loss of feed nutrition, and also prevents the development of undesirable microorganisms and mold;
- Since the film is resistant to UV radiation, and has excellent sealing properties (stickiness of the layers between each other), it is possible to store bales of hay directly on the field and not build additional storage areas or dig out pits.
- Has high tensile and puncture strength (both in longitudinal and transverse directions)
- Suitable for all types of winders.
- Excellent tear and puncture resistance.
- Airtight animal feed storage cover ensures optimal preservation of nutrients through maximum opacity to sunlight, with a high oxygen barrier.
- Optimum oxygen barrier and high adhesion force
- 26 microns or 1 mil thickness
- Preservation of feed nutrition for a year.
- High elasticity in all directions.
- Highly efficient.
- 800% stretch level
- We can provide 2 types of “agro-stretch” film:
- 750 mm (approx. 30 inches) width / 1500 m (approx. 5000 ft) length / 26kg (approx. 57lbs) weight. $98
- 500 mm (approx. 20 inches) width / 1800 m (approx. 6000 ft) length / 21 kg (approx. 46lbs) weight. $114
Film parameters:
- Film width, mm, 500 / 750 / custom size per customer request
- Thickness, 26 microns / 1 mil.
- Length of the film in a roll, m (at a width of 500 mm) 1800
- The length of the film in a roll, m (at a width of 750 mm) 1500
- Weight of one roll, kg (at a width of 500 mm) 21
- Weight of one roll, kg (at a width of 750 mm) 26
- Color: White or Green
- Tensile strength, PSI (longitudinal) > 6000
- Tensile strength, PSI (transverse) > 6200
- Stretch level, %> 800
- Stickiness high
Recommendations for proper use of "agro-stretch" film.
Before pressing:
- mowing should be done in the initial stage;
- in order not to pollute the grass with soil, it must be mowed at a height of 2-4” above the soil;
- the mowed mass should wilt to a moisture content of 40-50%, after which it can be pressed.
Pressing and winding:
- it is necessary to follow instructions from the manufacturer of pressing machines;
- density of pressing of the hayage mass should not be less than 400 kg / m3;
- rolls should be wrapped in a grid of 2.5-3.5 layers, depending on the degree of grinding of the mass;
- bales should be wrapped in film no later than 2 hours after pressing;
- the bales must be wrapped in a 2 + 2 film (double winding with a minimum of 50% overlapping subsequent layers) guaranteeing 4-layer wrapping,
- if the grass has a lot of hard fibers or a very low dry matter content, it is recommended to increase the number of layers (at least 6 layers);
- Do not wrap in the rain.
- the packed bale should be stored only in an upright position;
- Keep the bales on a level surface away from trees and ponds;
- it is necessary to frequently check the condition of bales, and in case of damage, apply a special adhesive tape.